Talking with the taxi driver in Spanish

Speaking spanish with the taxi driver
Hey what's up dudes!
Today on the Quick Spanish Guide you will learn how to ask the taxi driver take you to the hotel when you arrive to a spanish speaking country.

So, when you get in touch with the taxi driver, as always the first thing is to greet showing some respect and education of course... Here we go...

Taxi driver: buenos días
You: buenos días, cómo esta?

Another answer and really friendly, could be ....
You: buenos días, que tal!
You can talk in this way and you will seem like speaking spanish naturally and fluent.

This is wrong..
You: buen días, como estar?

Probably the taxi driver will understand but you will sound like a really bad machine translator.

Finally, the taxi driver will ask where to take you. This could be in many ways

Taxi driver: hacia dónde se dirige? / where are you going?
Cuál es el nombre del hotel? What's the hotel's name?
You: lleveme al hotel Paraiso, por favor / Please, take me to Paradise hotel. (You just need to change the name of the real hotel and that's all)

This is wrong.
You: llevar a hotel Paraiso.

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What could be the worst event if you give a wrong instruction in Spanish?

In this case, the taxi driver might interpret a different address and drop off in a different place, instead of your hotel or the final destination.

Giving directions in Spanish language is not that difficult as it seems; as long as you pronounce correctly the specific words that will guide the cab driver to a particular place.

Supposing your destination is the hotel, previously you got to know the hotel's name, what's near to it, and finally, learn how to say in Spanish some words like:

- drive me to
- take me to
- drop me off in
- in the corner of
- next to
- avenue
- street
- way
- between

Some of this words well pronounced in Spanish will assure you to arrive to the correct place happily.

With these quick tips will look like you master the spanish language in any country you visit.

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See you on the next spanish lesson.
